The Striped Maple Tree (Acer pensylvanicum) is a small , understory with arching, uneven crown and a short trunk. The is smooth and green with longitudinal, white stripes on the trunk and branches. Old trunks lose the pronounced striping. Fall foliage is lemon-yellow. Unlike other maples, the green flowers of this species are terminal and pendulous. Striped Maple is easily recognized, even in winter, by the striped twigs and , which make it a popular ornamental purposes. Also known as, moosewood, moose maple or goosefoot maple. Rabbits, beavers, deer, and moose eat the , especially in winter.
Plant in full sun to partial shade in well draining acidic loamy soils.
What you are purchasing is 1 Striped Maple Tree, shipped at a size of your choosing. Handle with care.