The Juneberry Serviceberry (Amelanchier x lamarckii) is a deciduous, understory tree or tall shrub. Juneberry features slightly fragrant, white flowers in drooping clusters that appear in early spring (April) before the leaves. Flowers give way to small, round, edible berries which ripen to dark purplish-black in June (hence the common name of Juneberry) and resemble blueberries in size, color and taste. Leaves are toothed, elliptic to oblong, leaves emerge bronze-purple in spring, mature to dark green in summer and turn red-orange in fall.
Uses: Berries are often used in jams, jellies and pies. Landscapes, lawns, shrub borders, woodland margins or native plant areas. Shrub forms can be grown as tall informal hedges or screens. Good plant for bird gardens (birds love the berries).
Plant in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Tolerant to a wide range of soils.